Institutional Email Accounts
As a student of the Amsterdam Fashion Academy, you will receive and mange 2 different email accounts:
AFA Amsterdam Fashion Academy email account;
LBS Luiss Business School email account.
Both email accounts works on Microsoft 365 environment. This is why it's strongly suggested to use 2 different browsers (i.e.: Safari and Chrome) to manage your 2 email accounts, to avoid conflict among the 2 accounts. So, you'll use one browser to access your AFA account, and another browser to access your LBS account.
AFA Amsterdam Fashion Academy email account
Your main email account is the AFA Amsterdam Fashion Academy one:
your AFA email address is name-initial.surname@amsterdamfashionacademy.com (i.e.: if your name is Mario Rossi, your email address is m.rossi@amsterdamfashionacademy.com)
You have received an email with the initial password. During your first access to your account, you will be asked to change your password, to give a recovery alternative email address, and a recovery phone number.
The details of your account (including changing password) can be managed directly from your Microsoft 365 account.
VERY IMPORTANT: if you change your phone number, you need to contact Student Support studentsupport@amsterdamfashionacademy.com to update it on the system. Otherwise, you could loose access to your account.
Your AFA account will give you access to several of our main services and platforms:
LBS Luiss Business School email account
The LBS Luiss Business School email account is a secondary:
your LUISS email address is name-initial.surname@studenti.luissbusinessschool.it (i.e.: if your name is Mario Rossi, your email address is m.rossi@luissbusinessschool.nl)
You have received an email with the initial password. During your first access to your account, you will be asked to give a recovery alternative email address, and a recovery phone number.
It's strongly suggested to change your password, so it will match your AFA account password. You can change your LBS password here. Remember that you have to know your previous password, in order to be able to change it!
If you don't remember your LBS account password, you need to personally contact supportoit@luiss.it: specify your Luis email address and ask them for a new password. Student Support cannot help you with this process.
Your LUISS account will give you access to few services and platforms:
LuissWPA wifi: use your LBS credentials to connect to our dedicated secure wifi LuissWPA.
Perlego: you find more info here.
Microsoft 365 programmes: you can download all the Microsoft 365 programmes (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive) ONLY through your LBS account.