Classe 365
Classe365 is your 360-degree personal and academic data environment.
On Classe365 you can find:
Your personal data and contact details. You can update some of these details, so please keep updated your current address, your phone number, and your profile pic.
Your enrolment status. Be aware that, additionally to your (past and) current Study Programme at the Amsterdam Fashion Academy, you will also be "enrolled" in Attendance Programmes, that are created only to track your attendance, and they will be delated at the end of each Academic Year.
Your grades per assignment and per module. Be aware that grades on Classe365 are temporary until confirmed by Examination Boards.
Your invoices for tuition fees. You will receive regular invoices based on the Payment Plan you choose, but you can also check/download/pay your invoices directly via Classe365 (by credit cardo or PayPal), and you can see the status of the payments (invoices will be marked as paid, when payment is received and recorded).
You will be able to access Classe365 with your Amsterdam Fashion Academy credentials, through Microsoft 365:
access Classe365 homepage here.
Click on "Sign in as Students"
Click on "Microsoft 365"
If you are already signed in on Microsoft 365 (through Outlook or Teams, for example), you'll be automatically signed in to Classe365. Otherwise you just have to enter your Amsterdam Fashion Academy credentials.

Any problems? Please contact Student Support at studentsupport@amsterdamfashionacademy.com